The “institution” of church
Why do we do what we do? This is a question we should ask ourselves in order to stay real, unbound, and free from needless tradition.
What is church?
Why do we even have church?
AND why do they run their meetings like they do?
Really? Aren’t we just over it?
Why do people do what they do?
Do we always have to follow the status quo – why can’t we think and do things out of the norm, when the norm no longer works or is no longer relevant? The questions we need to ask is – is it right for us? Is it right for this generation? What works for today? Do we have to always follow tradition just because its tradition?
Don’t get me wrong – some tradition is great and is still for today BUT so many many traditions and rules are not right, they are not good, and they are not real or relevant today.
So what is church?
I believe that church is where two or more Christians are gathered. I believe that we, as christians, ARE church. We are the representatives of Jesus, the ambassadors of God, of who God and Jesus are and what they look like in the real world today.
We are it.
The church is meant to be the body of Jesus – in other words we are part and parcel of who Jesus is, “partners” or “partakers” in modern terms I suppose. If the bible is true and I believe it is. I believe that it’s “Gods Word” literally. If in doubt grab a bible and ask God to show himself to you then start reading – it will blow your mind!
God is in love with us humans – he doesn’t love some of the stuff we do BUT he loves us! Like I said earlier if you want to experience some amazing power and love – ask God to show himself to you – He will not let you down. Today life is now full of choices, many of which, are considered the acceptable thing to do but if we really thought about these choices, the long-term consequences of them and stopped to think for ourselves instead of following along with the “trend” perhaps we would make very different choices.
Anyway back to church…. The bible says that church is meant to be “the fullness of Jesus”. Just before this it explains who Jesus is e.g.
“is far above any ruler, authority, power, leader and every name that is named not only in this world but also in the world to come. God places all things under His feet and appointed Him as head over all things”
The church is meant to be the “fullness” of this!! In other words FULL of power, authority – magnificent!! It’s almost laughable when you look at so many many church meetings and individual christians today. Wow we have definitely slipped somewhere – huh??
The bible says that each Christian is a partner to Jesus we have Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit within us. If this is true, I believe it is, – shouldn’t we Christians be a little different than we are today? We are after all His ambassadors His representatives? So what has happened?
In my opinion every church meeting I’ve attended here in NZ seems to be the same old – 20 – 30 minutes of singing, then the offering and announcements (or sometimes coffee) and then the preacher for about 20 – 30 minutes ……….. to be honest I am so over it!!
Where does God, and like I mean we are meant to be hearing from God and following his “word”, so where does it say that every church everywhere has to have the same format every meeting?? I get that God says it is good to meet together – like minded people chatting, worshiping the King, hearing, learning, listening – yeah I get the need its important BUT …. the same boring format all the time?? Really?
The church goers want “non churchies” to join them – but its is so disconnected from today – so lacking in power authority and magnificence …. Why would anyone want to join?
I know, like really know, that God is real! Is powerful! Is full of love that has no end! I have experienced God in very real ways – I know he has so much more that any church meeting I have attended for a long time. What are we missing guys?
Can’t we act out of the box a little? Hey here’s an idea – have the big church meetings once a month, use the weekly small meetings, where you really get to know people, to have BBQs, dinners, gardening days etc for their neighbours, the nearest homeless shelter, a retirement village etc etc in the weekends and during the week do a prayer session or a bible discussion or something “spiritual”??
When you do meet monthly or whenever – allow the “Holy Spirit”, (the Holy Spirit is given by God to each one of us, to teach, guide, and lead us), to lead and see what he does!!!
How scary would that be? (that’s sarcasm by the way)… or perhaps it would be incredibly powerful and life changing? I reckon the latter is pretty much what would happen.
Oh yeah and when you have a preacher to talk…. PLEASE DON’T HAVE THE SAME PERSON ALLLLLLLLLLLL THE TIME!!!!!! We all have our gifts from God, I’m not saying we should all be preaching as we all have different gifts, strengths and talents. Im saying – use them all guys!! The church is missing out on over ¾ of what God has for the church coz they only ever do the same old with the same old people.
Church leaders – read the bible. See what it says about meeting together and how each one of us has a job or a gift to share to empower the body. Its enemy agenda, you are being robbed of so much!! And its so obvious.
Sort it out.
This was full of frustration – sorry guys but I really believe God has so much more and we are letting it slip through our fingers. He is ALL POWERFUL, ALL MIGHTY, MAGNIFICENT, HE IS LOVE, HE IS LIGHT, HE IS PEACE, HE IS HEALING, HE IS THE DELIVERER. He wants his power to be seen and experienced even more than we do. He LOVES us with a love we will never fully comprehend.
Hi Gwendolyn on Saturday Charles mentioned again the people who had become believers while living near you – they were from Hungary I think. That’s a good encouragement for me that relationships in every day life are important and are potential places for us to bring the kingdom near to people. I was also thinking recently that a monthly meeting of a ‘congregation’ or ‘movement’ would perhaps be adequate and leave time space and energy to disciple the ‘found’ and pastor the ‘lost’ through the resources there are in any local body of believers.