
Asthma in NZ

Hmmm where do I begin….
In NZ we have one of the highest prevalence rates in the world!
The word “Asthma” comes from the Greek meaning “panting” and is known to exist way back in ancient Greek, Egypt, Hebrew and Indian cultures! So it’s nothing new BUT its massive here in little NZ!

Asthma is a condition of the airways – it isn’t as “bad” as some think. It’s not to be feared IF you look after it – it’s when you don’t that death can work its way in. The airways constrict, swell and narrow, and we open them back up to normal using either our “trusty” inhalers or removing the trigger (whatever that may be).
Unfortunately there remains fears and stigmas attached to the label of asthma and many people I have met, have declined any advice because they want to “push through”. Crazy huh?
What is important to understand is that if it goes untreated or under-treated it will cause long term damage to the airways leading to even more breathing problems later on. Asthma can cause death – so it is worth NOT declining any help. Especially when it’s free!

Four main signs of asthma that are important to know – cough, wheeze, tight chest and/or breathlessness (not necessarily after exercise). IF you have any of these things happening to you – phone an agency like “Asthma New Zealand” – they will visit you in your home free, assess everything, explain everything then write to your Doctor to recommend what path you should follow – very simple very cool! OR you could meet with an Asthma Nurse at your clinic.

Many asthmatics get used to breathing badly so put up with the cough or the wheeze or the tight chest or the need to rest in the middle of a netball game or touch rugby coz they are finding it too hard to breath. Children with asthma may need to stop laughing because it can cause a cough or tight chest or…. But because this is “normal” for them, they think everybody does it, so its not a problem and is never discussed.

Just so you know – a cough a wheeze a tight chest or breathlessness IS NOT NORMAL – if you experiencing any of these things – ITS NOT OK!
General Practitioners (GPs) are great coz they have knowledge about everything BUT they lack specialist knowledge about specific things – therefore sometimes things like Asthma get by passed. Best to see an “expert” in asthma as discussed.

The housing in NZ is on the “incredibly poor” scale – we don’t have double glazing, we don’t have adequate heating, we don’t seem to understand the need for adequate heating or insulation or proper housing! Having lived in London with the double glazing, gas central heating, insulation, warm clothing that can be purchased without re mortgaging the house (that’s another post I need to do!!). The fact that people in NZ will “push” through with no heating, insulation etc – because that’s the way its always been done – this still astounds me today!!
Some advice – Move your bed AWAY from the window – being near the window you will be breathing in the cold air which will either trigger worsening asthma OR worsening “blocked noses” which in turn leads to post nasal drip which will lead to a cough etc.

– Keep the temperature indoors >18°C at all times (as the World Health
Organisation recommends) – especially in your bedroom eg an oil heater
with a thermostat would be ideal. There are agencies that can help purchase these for you AND help with the electric bill too.

– DON’T buy fan heaters or heaters that blow air (although heat pumps are
fine) as they will blow all the dust and other particles around to trigger

– Dehumidifiers are great for damp cold mouldy environments. And clean that mould = 70% vinegar and 30% water kills the fungi.
Inhalers (this is for >12yrs)

– Blue Inhaler (although they aren’t always blue anymore) or reliever “opens the airways”. Only lasts for 4 hours – that’s all it does. If you are using one of these inhalers more than twice/week then you really need to see a health professional.

– Next step you will need to add is the Preventer. This is the key for most
asthmatics as it reduces the swelling in the airways and reduces the mucus
which will improve your breathing no end! BUT what health professionals
sometimes forget to add – this takes 7-10days to start working and is
beginning to peak in about 3 weeks – so you need to be patient – but once
you’re there you will be SOOOOO happy. Just keep at it – DON’T stop till
some expert tells you to do so.

I could go on BUT too much information can be overwhelming and vital information gets lost along the way.
Please be wise, please be safe, please look after your lungs – they are the only ones you’ve got!!