Where do we draw the line?
Where do we draw the line with assisting in life or death?
We as human beings tend to underplay the spiritual dynamic of this world.
We think we can take anything on because we are invincible, we have the technology, we have the “right” yet the present worldwide pandemic seems to be one example that the above statement isn’t actually accurate.
There is something beyond what we can see that can destroy us yet we still “play with fire”. Let me explain. I believe the bible is the word of God. I believe that God is real, very much alive and active today as he has been from way before the beginning of time. I have experienced God in my life to confirm that fact. I believe he is powerful and not a force to be “played” with. I believe also that his enemy, the devil, although not equal to him but so much inferior, is also real and I have witnessed evidence of this dark force. I believe there is a spiritual war going on and the enemy is out to destroy us in anyway he can. I believe the enemy uses us in our weakness to pursue power, money, control etc to achieve his aim.
I believe that when we make wrong choices and decisions in our lives, each one of us can and will make many, there are consequences to these choices. Just like when we make good choices there are consequences. It’s part and parcel of life. The bad choices bring consequences that give the enemy an opening into our lifes. With these openings he can bring curses, sicknesses, misery, confusion, fear, poverty etc God on the other hand is humble and gentle and does not and will not push himself upon us but allows us to make decisions for or against him. He guides us with things like the bible to teach us what we should and shouldn’t do. Not to prevent us from enjoying life but rather as a guide because he knows the consequences of choices physically mentally and spiritually.
When we follow this guide we will be “blessed” with everything God has planned for our lives not because it’s like a reward but because that’s what happens when we walk in life as we were meant to walk from the beginning. God loves us beyond our understanding and wants us to have joy, peace, love and everything else good.
As human beings we are more likely to turn from these instructions rather than follow them – please don’t ask me why.
To go back to what I set out to say in the beginning of this blog …. “Playing with fire”. When we ignore or suppress the “guide” book and rebel, rule or decide against it we are therefore opening ourselves up to curses, misery, confusion, sicknesses etc. This is not only individual decisions but also decisions as a country. The government bills and policies that are made either break or make a country spiritually, mentally, and physically.
I am aware that the NZ government have managed to rush through in the first week of the covid 19 attack in NZ the abortion bill that is one of the most liberal in the world. They have since added to this bill making abortion accessible up to birth. They are also trying to stop any emotional, mental support for individuals near the abortion clinics.
The referendums for euthanasia and legalising marijuana for recreational use are the next decisions we are making as a nation. These are big decisions that will impact us as a nation as already discussed. If you look at the rightolife.org.uk site you will find a lot of information/articles about these things.
See below some statements:
- “New Zealand’s proposed assisted suicide legislation has been condemned as “deeply alarming” during a UN Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva.”
- “Earlier this year, New Zealand MPs voted to introduce the world’s most severe abortion law in the world by 68 votes to 51. The new law scraps the previous 20-week limit and will allow terminations on-demand, for any reason, up to birth.
Additionally, there is now no requirement doctors must be involved with an abortion ‘procedure’ and MPs – including Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern – voted against an amendment requiring medical care for babies born alive after a ‘failed’ termination. The new law has also legalised sex-selective abortion.” - Assisted dying looking at other nations that have passed this bill: “Prof. Boer highlighted how the number of suicides in the Netherlands has risen by 35% over the past decade, coinciding with a 150% rise in the number of people seeking assisted dying, while the rate has decreased in neighbouring countries which don’t allow assisted dying. He stated that in Germany, where euthanasia is not possible, the suicide rate has decreased over the past ten years.”
Consequences – see the above point number 3 – how the suicide rate has risen in the Netherlands and decreased in Germany due to governmental policy. We are trying to play God – deciding who lives and who dies. Please have a look at the personal testimonies about assisted suicide on this site. These are things that we don’t hear about unless of course it supports the latest bill. What right do we have to decide who dies and who lives – we are not qualified to make those decisions as human beings!! Look at the statistics of how accurate doctors are in putting time limits to a prognosis – I cant remember exactly but we are talking about >80% inaccurate!!
Please start to think before you jump on the latest fad blindly following the flow. The flow of the nation if not good therefore the consequences not good. The thinking has become twisted and policies are being made based on emotions not facts. The emotion in government is driven by wanting to win the next election and Iistening to those in minority who make the loudest noises.
Be careful what decisions you make as you will live with the results for the rest of your life as will your children.